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by Tyler Forsythe
IceCream1945 is a demonstration of XNA and the IceCream 2D library in a 2D top-down scrolling shooter similar to 1942 for the NES.
by Edgar Maass
Display a Point Cloud grabbed by the Microsoft Kinect v2 in a OpenGL control
by Gerardo Recinto
Virtualization of RAM & Disk for high-speed, low-footprint & scalable data caching
by Simon Jackson
Be careful of those SPECIAL names in Unity

Latest Articles

by Simon Cooke
A bi-partite circular buffer for high performance buffering, where it comes from, and why you'd want to use it.
by Vangos
Floor Detection using Kinect
by Vangos
How to measure the orientation of a joint around each axis (X, Y, Z)
by Vangos
Kinect is dead! Now what?

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8 Aug 2012 by Tyler Forsythe
IceCream1945 is a demonstration of XNA and the IceCream 2D library in a 2D top-down scrolling shooter similar to 1942 for the NES.
3 Apr 2017 by Edgar Maass
Display a Point Cloud grabbed by the Microsoft Kinect v2 in a OpenGL control
10 Oct 2014 by Gerardo Recinto
Virtualization of RAM & Disk for high-speed, low-footprint & scalable data caching
4 Feb 2016 by Simon Jackson
Be careful of those SPECIAL names in Unity
27 Jan 2019 by Vangos
27 Jan 2019 by Vangos
How to measure the orientation of a joint around each axis (X, Y, Z)
31 Mar 2010 by Richard Andrew x64
What does "stuck on the pointer" mean?Nobody is going to look at that pdf file, or go to an external link to look at your code. Put the relevant information into your question, and you'll have a better chance of getting an answer.
7 Jul 2012 by CJ Kent
Create an Interpolating Timer and use it to fade textures in and out in XNA 4.0
3 Oct 2012 by fjdiewornncalwe
You may find your answer here[^].
8 Jan 2013 by sandeepkumar.sgnr
Journey of Windows 8 game SkyWar for Intel App Up competition
31 Jul 2013 by Ayush001
Traditional game which becomes more interetsing.
14 Nov 2016 by Simon Jackson
    For my sins, I was asked back to FutureDecoded again this year to give a talk on the Microsoft UWP platform, specifically about bringing games to the XboxOne using UWP.  By all accounts the session went well (especially as there was standing room only by the time the …
27 Jan 2019 by Vangos
Floor Detection using Kinect
6 May 2016 by Simon Jackson
A break down on the different modes of Xbox One development and clear direction of what is possible with the new UWP Retail unlock mode. Enable all devs to sideload and develop on the Xbox One UWP Platform
2 Apr 2010 by Sauro Viti
When dealing with executable image files, the term pointer stay for offset from the beginning of the file (note that a value equal to zero is used if the correspondant item is not present inside the image file).
2 Apr 2010 by Alain Rist
Change to int main(){ XBE info = {0}; // ... cout
23 Oct 2010 by Sean0323
Is there any way to make a global hook with the xbox360 controller?(e.x. I press Y while in Firefox and it pastes something.) I have tried every thing I could to my knowledge and nothings worked so far.I would appreciate some help.
28 Mar 2012 by ravithejag
hi,I want to know that is there any standards for defining gestures using Kinect for windows SDK
28 Mar 2012 by Wes Aday
Did you bother looking at the examples in the SDK like you were directed to the last time you asked this?
28 Mar 2012 by Nelek
I am checking the conditon first(skeleton.Joints[JointID.HandRight].Position.Y (skeleton.Joints[JointID.ElbowRight].Position.Y ) && skeleton.Joints[JointID.HandRight].Position.Y >...
1 Apr 2012 by ravithejag
In kinect the co ordinates of the main window starts from the centre(view area) of it.I want to scale this window to the specified size like 640*480.I am using C# for this.need your help regarding this plzz help.Thank you in advance.Note : I don't want to use any libraries for this.
2 Apr 2012 by ravithejag
I am writing a program that requires an angle between the 2 hand joints .Please help me in writing this code
2 Apr 2012 by Dean Oliver
MinWidth , Width, and MaxWidth are used to manage the range of widths that a window can have during its lifetime, and are configured as follows. xmlns="" MinWidth="300" Width="400" MaxWidth="500">Window height is managed...
17 Apr 2012 by Deepak_Sharma_
Hi,Read reply marked as "Answered" in the following link:[^]Useful link for Kinect:[^]
3 Oct 2012 by Pankaj Deharia
I had Application developed for "kinect for window". using kinect SDK and WPFWill this application works with Xbox?
2 Jan 2013 by Paul Wangdali Jr.
I am currently working on a Kinect application which allows recording of movements then later be played on an Avatar in XNA.I know that the movements captured from the Kinect must be adjusted first and be converted to Matrices as bone transformations before applying it to the Avatar Model.I...
1 Apr 2013 by Tony Palumbo
Hi All,On Windows Phone 8, using the Microphone, is there a way to not record but to turn the microphone on and only record when there is noise. Kind of like not recording the dead space but only when someone starts speaking. I would guess start recording when it reaches a certain level or...
11 May 2014 by Hloni Matsoso
LOL, your question is all over the placeWhat do you mean by "application will start from the first programmatically"?What do you mean by "the application should be stopped"? But it sounds like you want to track state of your app. You can start with an enum (States) with 2 states,...
24 Feb 2017 by OriginalGriff
This is not a suitable question for this site: this is for the development of software, not a "how to use your games console" site.I'd suggest you try this on one of these sites: xbox360 forums - Google Search[^] And BTW: the XBox 360 is not the "best video game console" - it was a poorly...
11 Apr 2018 by Member 13755707
Hey, I need some advice I am doing a personal test to see what I can do with my programming skills and I need to know how one would port a xbox 360 game to windows pc. I have extracted the game data from one of the games from the disk but I need to know how to use that data to run the game on...
11 Apr 2018 by OriginalGriff
You will not get any help here. Quote: I have extracted the game data from one of the games from the disk This is in direct violation of the licensing agreement between yourself and the company that produced the game, and is thus malicious activity. Trying to "port the game to Windows" would be...
19 Aug 2022 by Member 12961662
I am trying to link a button that user press to get them to all my apps in the Xbox store. I am able to do in windows but Xbox is not doing it, it just send the to home of the store. in windows I use: ms-windows-store://publisher/?name={Publisher...
3 Jan 2015 by Dan Thyer
Remote control a squirt gun, open the garage, and water the garden all through .net
19 Nov 2007 by Inaki Ayucar
This article is an example of visual rendering and content processing with XNA, and a good start for those who want to start learning XNA.
19 Jul 2009 by Valentin Billotte
Another way to integrate multiple XNA scenes inside WPF.
8 Nov 2010 by dolhaig
How to Resume the User's music after we played a video or audio from our Silverlight/XNA WP7 Application.
10 Jan 2015 by Dan Thyer
Use a Microsoft Kinect to control the home automation in the house. Lights can be turned on an off from speech recognition or from pointing at them and waving your other hand one way to turn on and the other way to turn off.
8 May 2015 by Vahe Karamian
The third article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
20 Jul 2020 by Simon Cooke
A bi-partite circular buffer for high performance buffering, where it comes from, and why you'd want to use it.
4 Jan 2010 by Pedro Güida
The article shows how to embed a XNA-based game into a WinForms control with ease. Also, it explains how to integrate an XNA GS project into VS2008 (this IDE is not currently supported by XNA GS), and in turn, to be able to use WPF with your XNA-based creation.
21 Sep 2008 by Judah Gabriel Himango
A series of articles meant to build a 3D space invaders game from the ground up using Microsoft's XNA technology.
8 Jan 2013 by sandeepkumar.sgnr
This article is all about my experience of developing a SkyWar game for CodeProject’s Intel AppUp competition.
15 Aug 2016 by Edgar Maass
Different methods to align (aka stich, register) point clouds via the ICP (Iterative Closest Point) method
24 Jul 2011 by Alan Boldock
Many available demonstrations and tutorials demonstrate how to play an animation generated in a 3D application. This tutorial demonstrates how to manipulate a 3D model using only the code to find and manipulate Bones within a simple 3D model generated in Blender.
25 Mar 2013 by Daniel M. Kane
A RenderTarget2D-derived class to blend textures at runtime that internally deals with some common headaches.
10 Jul 2011 by Joel Ivory Johnson
A proof of concept for an animated sprite component that I am developing to run in XNA projects on Windows Phone, PC, and Xbox. The component allows animation information to be a part of the project's content and is a step in the direction of allowing an artist to be completely over creating animati
22 Mar 2015 by Simon Jackson
We have finally reached the end of an era and the dawn of the next with the MonoGame project. The latest release has now broken its ties to the old XNA framework and stands alone.
12 Oct 2013 by Elham Dolatabadi
The application allows users to record and store Kinect streams at 30 frames per second to a folder.
14 Sep 2008 by AmitDey
A Tutorial to develop a driving simulator using XNA Game Studio 2.0
28 Jul 2007 by Marc Clifton
My journey to unravel and discover a solution for hosting XNA in a WinForm UserControl